Post 58 Legion Sponsorship

Post 58 Legion Sponsorship

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Field Sponsorship: $5,000

Gets a 4x20 banner in the outfield, name recognition on our website and name recognition at every home game as a main sponsor for 2024.

Umpire Sponsorship: $2,500

Gets a 4x20 banner in the outfield, name recognition on our website and name recognition at every home tournament for 2024.

Scholarship Sponsorship: $1,500

Gets a 4x20 banner in the outfield, name recognition on our website and name recognition at every home tournament for 2024.

Wingnut Sponsorship: $1,000

Gets a 4x20 banner in the outfield & name recognition on our website

Blue & Gold Sponsorship: $500

4x10 banner in the outfield & name recognition on our website

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